CENTRAL & DOWNTOWN TORONTO DOWNTOWN YORKVILLE - Address: bounded by Bloor Street to the south, Davenport Road to the north, Yonge Street to the east and Avenue Road to the west
- Description: Modern
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? No
OSGOODE HALL - Address: 130 Queen St. West
- Description: Historical, Architectural, & Romantic
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? (Not for outdoors but for inside)
FRONT STREET & THE ESPLANADE - Address: Front Street & The Esplanade
- Description: Modern
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? No
ALEXANDER MUIR GARDENS - Address: 2901 Yonge Street
- Description: Natural Gardens & Greenery
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? Yes
DISTILLERY DISTRICT - Address: 55 Mill St.
- Description: A Unique Historical, Architectural, Modern & Romantic place,
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? Yes
THE BERKELEY CHURCH - Address: 315 Queen St. East
- Description: Romantic, Unique, Architectural & Historical
- Outdoor AND Indoor
- Permit Required? Yes
UNION STATION - Address: 65 Front St. West
- Description: Architectural & Historical
- Indoors
- Permit Required? Yes
CHERRY BEACH - Address: Located on the south end of Cherry St.
- Description: Natural
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? Yes
ARTSCAPE WYCHWOOD BARNS - Address: 76 Wychwood Ave
- Description: Architectural, Historical, Unique, Modern
- Outdoor and Indoor
- Permit Required? Yes
THE BURROUGHS - Address: 639 Queen St. West.
- Description: Architectural, Historical, Unique, & Modern
- Indoor
- Permit Required? Yes
STEAMWHISTLE BREWERY - Address: 255 Bremner Blvd
- Description: Historical, Unique, Modern
- Outdoor AND Indoor
- Permit Required? Yes
- Description: Architectural & Unique
- Permit Required: Photography is not a guarantee but there are times when permission may be granted to a bride and groom.
- Address: 172 St. George St.
- Description: Romantic, Unique, Architectural & Historical
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? Yes
TRINITY COLLEGE - Address: 6 Hoskin Ave
- Description: Romantic, Unique, Architectural & Historical
- Outdoor & Indoor
- Permit Required? Yes
HART HOUSE - Address: 7 Hart House Circle
- Description: Romantic, Unique, Architectural & Historical
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? Yes
KNOX COLLEGE - Address: 59 St. George Street
- Description: Romantic, Unique, Architectural & Historical
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? Yes
ST. LAWRENCE MARKET - Address: 92 Front St. East
- Description: Modern & Unique
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? No
KENSINGTON MARKET - Address: Dundas/Spadina Area
- Description: Modern & Unique
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? No
ASHBRIDGES BAY - Address: 1561 Lakeshore East
- Description: Natural
- Outdoors
- Permit Required? Yes
TORONTO MUSIC GARDEN - Address: 479 Queens Quay West
- Description: Traditional, Natural, Gardens & Greenery
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? Unsure – Please inquire with the establishment
KEW GARDENS - Address: 2075 Queen St. East
- Description: Natural, Gardens & Greenery |
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? Yes
THOMPSON HOTEL - Address: 550 Wellington Ave. West
- Description: Modern, Romantic & Unique
- Outdoor AND Indoor
- Permit Required? Yes
HARBOURFRONT - Address: extends from Bathurst Street in the west, along Queen’s Quay to Yonge Street. (Lake Ontario on the south side)
- Description: Modern, Romantic & Unique
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? No
SPADINA HOUSE - Address: 285 Spadina Rd.
- Description: Romantic, Unique, Architectural & Historical
- Outdoor AND Indoor
- Permit Required? Yes
CASA LOMA - Address: 1 Austin Terrance
- Description: Romantic, Unique, Architectural & Historica.
- Outdoor AND Indoor ( indoor options may only be available during certain times of the year)
- Permit Required? Yes
GEORGE BROWN HOUSE - Address: 183 Beverley St
- Description: Romantic & Historical
- Indoors
- Permit Required? Yes
SUNNYSIDE PAVILLION - Address: 1755 Lakeshore West
- Description: Architectural, Natural & Lake Front
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? Yes
HIGH PARK - Address: 1873 Bloor St. West
- Description: Traditional, Natural, Gardens & Greenery
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? Photography permits are not available for High Park as they typically do not allow formal photography to occur on park grounds.
MACKENZIE HOUSE - Address: 82 Bond St.
- Description: Romantic & Historical
- Indoors
- Permit Required? Yes
KING EDWARD HOTEL - Address: 37 King St. East
- Description: Modern,Romantic, Unique, Architectural & Historical
- Indoor
- Permit Required? Yes
FOUR SEASONS HOTEL - Address: 60 Yorkville Ave.
- Description: Modern & Unique
- Indoor
- Permit Required? Yes
FAIRMONT ROYAL YORK HOTEL - Address: 100 Front St. West
- Description: Modern, Romantic & Historical
- Indoor
- Permit Required? Yes
THE EATON CENTER - Address: 220 Yonge Street
- Description: Modern & Unique
- Outdoor AND Indoor
- Permit Required? Please inquire with the establishment
SKYWALK - Address: 150 Front St. West (approximately)
- Description: Modern & Unique
- Indoor
- Permit Required? Please inquire with the establishment
GRAFFITI ALLEY - Address: 753 Queen St. West
- Description: Modern & Unique
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? No
THE HAZELTON HOTEL - Address: 118 Yorkville Ave
- Description: Romantic & Historical
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? Yes
WINDSOR ARMS HOTEL - Address: 18 St. Thomas Street
- Description: Romantic & Historical
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? Yes
POLSON PIER (‘THE DOCKS’) - Address: 11 Polson St.
- Description: Modern & Unique
- Outdoor
- Permit Required? Yes
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